LibreCat::Hook - create call back functions to be executed at important LibreCat events


    ## In your configuration files
    # catmandu.hooks.yml

            - foo
            - bar
            - acme

    ## In your perl code;

    use Path::Tiny;
    use lib path(__FILE__)->parent->parent->child('lib')->stringify;
    use LibreCat qw(:load);

    my $hook = LibreCat->hook('my-event');

    # This will execute: LibreCat::Hook::foo , LibreCat::Hook::bar
    $hook->fix_before({ param1 => ... , param2 => ... } );

    # do some important code...

    # This will execute: LibreCat::Hook::acme
    $hook->fix_after({ param1 => ... , param2 => ... });


Hooks are ways to extend a LibreCat application. At important points in the application after, before and around named hooks can be defined. Using a configuration file arbitrary code can be executed at those places.

In the example above, in the LibreCat code a 'my-event' hook is defined and fix_before and fix_after method are called before and after some particular event.

When you want to run arbitrary code before or after this event, then a 'hooks' configuration file needs to be created which specifies which code should be executed.

In the catmandu.hooks.yml configuration file for example a 'foo' hook is defined. This is a Perl module in the 'LibreCat::Hook::foo' namespace which implements a 'fix' method:

    package LibreCat::Hook::foo;

    use Moo;

    sub fix {
        my ($self, $data) = @_;

        # .. your code ...
        return $data;


The fix gets as input all the parameters specified in the main LibreCat application ''.

Look at the config/hooks.yml file for example hooks that are defined for the LibreCat web application.